Cindy Banker, MA, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM), ABT CI (AOBTA)
Cindy is a nationally recognized teacher and practitioner of Five Element Shiatsu and founder of the American Shiatsu Association (ASA), which evolved into the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA). Now the Director of Schools and Programs (COSP) for the (AOBTA) as well as the Peer Review Committee, where she reviews applicants of Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT) nationally and abroad. Cindy also maintains a busy private Five Element Shiatsu and Chinese Herbal Medicine practice in Brookline, MA. and in her spare time, teaches for Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center (EMTEC).
To learn more about Cindy:
Study with Cindy: Seminars at Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center
CE-40: Character Profile Evaluation
Analysis and Clinical Application of Chinese Medicine's Character Profile Evaluation "CE-40"
Zhang Jie Bin: The Classic of Categories on Emotional and Mental Illness (Qing Zhi Bing)
Study with Cindy: Courses and Seminars
TCM Theory
Five-Element Shiatsu
Pulse & Tongue Diagnosis
Chinese Medical Classics
Maintaining Life
NCCAOM ABT Exam Prep: Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT)
Medical Text Reading Workshops:
Boston University: Chinese Herbal Medicine, Food as Art (2013)
Harvard University: Chinese Medical Texts, Zhang Jie Bin, Lei Jing (1998-1992)
Princeton University: Chinese Medical Texts, Zhang Jie Bin, Lei Jing (1998-1992)
Professional: Current
Practitioner: Five-Element Shiatsu, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Private Practice (1981-present)
Board Member/Co-Founder: American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA) (see below)
Faculty: New England School of Acupuncture, ABT Program (2011-present)
Guest Lecturer: (1979-present)
Professional: History
Faculty: Charles River Institute for Healing and Inner Arts (CRI) (2004-2006)
Owner/Director: New England Center for Oriental Bodywork (NECOB)
Co-owner: New England Shiatsu Center (1984-1991)
Faculty: Kushi Institute (1982-1984)
Education: Formal
Harvard University: Literary Chinese (1999-2000)
Lesley College: Masters Degree in Chinese Herbal Medicine and Language (1994)*
Leslie College: BA in Asian Medicine (1992)*
NESA: Two year Chinese Herbal Medicine program* (1989-1991)
Technologies for Creating: Certified Instructor (1982-1987)
Kushi Institute: Associate Shiatsu Teacher Certification (1975-1982)
Education: Mentors
Ted Kaptchuck, OMD*: Professional academic advisor at Leslie College
Ted Kaptchuck, OMD*: Herbal Medicine instructor at New England School of Acupuncture
Dr. Yun Won Suh, O.M.D. Five-Element Acupuncture Theory
Yves Requena, M.D.: c-40 Exam - Understanding Psychological profiles in TCM
Michio Kushi and Shizuko Yamamo: Macrobiotics and Shiatsu
Yogi Shri Raj Kannah: Raja Yoga
Master Jwing Ming Yang: Shaolin Kung Fu; Tai Chi; Tai Chi Sword; Chi Gong
Sensei Bill Gleason: Aikido
Bruce Kumar Francis and Bill Ryan: Daoist Meditation
Board of Directors: American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia
Director, Council of Schools and Programs (2012-present)
Chairperson, Peer Review Committee (2012-present) Chairperson, Forms Committee (2007-present)
Member/former Chairperson, Certified Instructor Interview Committee (1989-present)
Director, Education (1992-1997)
Chairperson, Law and Legislative Committee (1990-1992)
Director, Internal Affairs, Interim Committee (1989-1990)
Founding President, American Shiatsu Association, first national professional Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT) association in the United States. (1984-1989)
Professional Activities:
Alliance For Massage Therapy Education (AFTME): Co-hosted workshop on writing competency based curriculum for ABT (2015)
NCCAOM: Blue Ribbon Panel for ABT (2012)
NCCAOM: Blue Ribbon Panel, Development of National ABT Certification Exam (1997-1999)
“Traditional Chinese Medicine Through the Eyes of Modern Science” Cindy Banker with Christian Drapeau. published by the Stemtech International, Inc. Pembroke Pines, FL 33028.
Professional Journals: Regular contributor to professional journals including Pulse the professional journal published by the AOBTA.
“Do-In” Instructional Video with Cindy Banker copyright 1985
“Traditional Chinese Medicine” Contributor (p23) for The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body-Mind Disciplines, Editor Nancy Allison, CMA. 1999 The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., New York, N.Y.
AOBTA: Legislative Award, Presidents Award and Life Time Membership Award
Boston Magazine: Shiatsu, 25th Annual Best of Boston Award (1998)
Contact Information:
Cindy Banker, MA, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)
AOBTA®-Certified Instructor and Practitioner
Five-Element Shiatsu and Chinese Herbal Medicine
1689 Beacon Street, Office #2
Brookline, MA. 02445
Tele: (617) 734-7991