Dennis Willmont, Lic.Ac., is an author, Acupuncturist, Shiatsu Practitioner, Chinese Herbalist, essential oils practitioner, Macrobiotic counselor, and Way of Life counselor.

Dennis has more than 40 years of experience with the Dàodéjīng – a classic Chinese text that has been a source of inspiration for Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, artists, poets and healers.  He has been practicing Shiatsu, Acupressure, Tàijíquán, and Daoist meditation since 1971, and Acupuncture since 1976.  He graduated from the first class at the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA).

He has also studied Wu style Tàijíquán with Li Li-ta in San Francisco and Yang style with T.T Liang and Yang Jwing-ming in Boston where he has earned the rank of assistant instructor as well as Xingyi and Baguquan with Liang Shouyu.

With a love for sharing his knowledge, Dennis created and taught one of the early Acupressure and Shiatsu vocational training programs in North America. His accomplishments earned him the status of Certified Instructor and later Honorary Member by the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA®).

In an attempt to share his vast knowledge with colleagues and students, Dennis Willmont has written ten books on acupuncture and natural healing, several of which have been used as textbooks in educational institutions.  Currently, he is working on completing Volume Two of the five volume series on the Dàodéjīng and how it relates to the Three Levels of Healing in acupuncture.

In addition to his rigorous writing schedule, Dennis maintains a practice in acupuncture, Chinese herbs, whole foods dietary practice, and essential oils in Marshfield, Massachusetts.

His books are used by acupuncturists, teachers, and acupuncture schools around the world.  

To learn more about these treasures, or to purchase,
visit Willmountain Press:

Study with Dennis: Seminars at Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center
Classical Chinese Medicine and Psychology: An Introduction
Classical Chinese Medicine and the Daodejing: An Introduction to Level II
Achieve Higher Levels of Healing: Daodejing and Chinese Medicine

Dennis Willmont,
Lic.Ac., M.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)®
AOBTA®-Certified Instructor, AOBTA®-Certified Practitioner

Website: Willmont Press

Dennis Willmont Scholarship: Application Document