Diane Iuliano, L.Ac., M.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)
Diane is a world-renowned teacher and practitioner of Shakuju, serving as Co-Chair of the Japanese Program at New England School of Acupuncture and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy as well as maintaining a busy private practice at the Lydian Center in Cambridge, MA. Always in demand, we are honored that Diane makes time to teach for Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center (EMTEC). To learn more about Diane:
Study with Diane: Local Seminars at Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center
Divergent Channels: Comprehensive Treatment Strategies
Study with Diane: Graduate Courses at New England School of Acupuncture
Local Treatments
Microsystems of Acupuncture
Professional: Current
Co-Chair: New England School of Acupuncture (Japanese Program)
Board Member: Auriculotherapy Certification Institute
Japanese Acupuncture Practitioner: Lydian Center (Private Practice)
Professional: History
Clinic Supervisor: Mount Auburn Hospital, Center for Women
Teacher: Seminars in Tokyo and Hokkaido (8 years)
Keynote Speaker: Hokkaido University (2007)*
Research Associate: Stop Hypertension Acupuncture Research Program (SHARP) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Founding Member: Shakuju Association (North America)
Education: Formal
Teachers Certificate: Miki Shima (2005)
Teachers Certificate: Japanese American Acupuncture Foundation (2005)
Shakuju Certificate: Shoji Kobayashi and the Shakuju Association (2006)**
M.Ac.: New England School of Acupuncture (Lic.Ac.)
BFA: Boston College
Education: Mentors
Miki Shima
Shoji Kobayshi
Steve Birch
Toshikatsu Yamamoto
Richard Tan***
Tetsuya Fukushima
Contact Information:
Diane Iuliano, L.Ac., M.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)
Acupuncture Therapy
777 Concord Avenue, Suite 301
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: (617) 489-6189
Email: dmizac@aol.com
Website: http://www.acupuncturetherapy.us
Website: http://www.lydiancenter.com/practitioners/dianeIuliano.php
* First American Female Keynote Speaker
** Awarded the first certificate in the USA from Shoji Kobayashi and the Shakuju Association.
***Edited last book, permission to teach material.