Satoshi Nakaya Sensei...
graduated from Kanto Acupuncture College in 1993, with a degree in Acupuncture and Moxabustion. He continued his studies, graduating from Tokyo Medical College in 2002, after pursuing a teacher training course to teach acupuncture and moxabustion.
Since 2002 Nakaya Sensei has been both teaching at Kanto Acupuncture College and helping to develop the curriculum. He teaches both theoretical and practical classes. He has been instrumental in developing the curriculum and supervises junior instructors with their teaching. He also serves as an instructor for the Shakuju Association Training Course at Taishido Acupuncture Clinic. In this capacity he teaches, student interns, trainees, has developed the curriculum, and oversees junior instructors with their teaching.
Nakaya Sensei opened his private acupuncture clinic, Kazenokodo Acupuncture Clinic, in Chiba, a suburb of Tokyo, in 1993, and currently sees patients and oversees professional and administrative staff in this very active clinic. He is a member of the Shakuju Association and serves as the Academic Director for the organization. In this capacity he organizes seminars and training, both in Japan and abroad.