Tetsuya Fukushima Sensei
Tetsuya Fukushima Sensei
Academic Experience:
1998: Graduated Nihon Shinkyu Riryo Senmon Gakko (www.hanada.ac.jp)
Professional Licenses:
1987: Licensed Massage and Shiatsu Therapist
1988: Licensed Acupuncture and Okyu Practitioner
Clinical Experience:
1987: Massage and Shiatsu Therapist
1988: Acupuncture and Okyu Practitioner
Teaching Experience:
2017-present: Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center
2002-present: Tokyo Medical School for Acupuncture Teachers
2006: Kanagawa Eisei School
Instructor: Study Groups
1997-present: Okyu Study Group (Tokyo)
2002-2003: Sakai Study Group (Tokyo)
2002-2004: Japan Santsu Study Group (Tokyo)
2005-present: Tokyo Kyushin Study Group (Tokyo)
2006-present: Fresh Acupuncture Practitioner Study Group (Ohsaka)
2017: Shonishin for Children at Eastern Medicinial Therapies Education Center (Boston, USA)
2005: Fukaya Okyu at Japanese Acupuncture Association (Kanagawa)
2004: Fukaya Okyu at Yuri Study Group
2003: Diverse Styles of Okyu Therapy at National Vision Abnormality (Kobe)
2002: Fukaya Okyu at Acupuncture and Massage Association (Nagasaki)
2001: Okyu Therapy for Locomotory Disease at Zen-Iryo-Ki Seminar (Fukuoka)
2002: "Okyu Therapy for Menstrual Disorders" Fukaya Style (Ido-no-Nihon)
2001: "Okyu Therapy Experience by Irie" (Sankei)
2000: "Applying Fukaya Okyu Therapy According to Disease" (Midori-Shobo)
Articles: Toyo Igaku (Midori-Shobo)
2000: 10 Okyu Diary
1999: 02 Okyu Diary
1998: 08 Okyu Therapy to treat symptoms from exposure to Air Conditioner
1998: 03 Okyu Therapy for Pollen
Articles: Ido-no-Nihon
2006: 04 Unsuccessful Okyu Therapy Derived from Clinical Experience
2004: 11 Okyu Therapy for wart, foot corn, and mottle
2004: 04 When to Okyu and when to Needle, Case Study
Articles: Chui Rinsho Q&A (Toyo Academic Publisher)
2005/6: Should Okyu Therapy when Deficiency Fever?
2005: Forgotten Okyu Therapy, Association of Kuretake Medical School
2005: Shiraku for Induration in Inter-scapular Region (Japanese Shiraku Association 14th Conference)
2003: Is there any ways for doing Okyu on BL36?
2001: The difference of Chinetsu-Kyu and Blocking Object Okyu
Professional Activities:
Member: Japanese Shiraku Association
Workshop: EXPO, Aichi Japan (2005)
Volunteer: Evacuating People after the Niigata Earthquake (2004)
Participation: Okyu Festival in Kashiwabara, Shiga
Advancing Okyu: Enlightenment of Okyu, Multiple Locations