Program Description:
An Introduction to the Six Divisions
and the Character Profile Evaluation "CE-40"
Course Schedule:
Saturday, January 28, 2017 10:00-7:30 p.m.
Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:00-7:30 p.m.
Approved for 15 NCCAOM PDAs
Course Description: In this weekend seminar participants will learn to use one of Chinese Medicine’s most sophisticated and interesting assessment tools: the Character Assessment-40 (CE-40) written exam.
The CE-40 profile analysis matches Chinese Medicine’s meridian system with each of the eight categories described in the profile. An important principle in Chinese Medicine states that the spirit moves first, the mind follows and finally the Blood.
The purpose of this seminar is to illuminate how this process works as it reveals the way in which our intentions direct Qi, how thoughts and emotions can contribute or detract from physical health, and to more fully understand our creative process.
Named for its emphasis on the Six Division layering of external to internal, Cindy Banker will explain how the CE-40 exam provides a unique and comprehensive integration of all three of Chinese Medicine’s correlation paradigms: The Five Phases; Six Divisions and Eight Principles.
Cindy Banker MA, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)®, Five Element Shiatsu AOBTA®-C.I. Cindy has been a nationally recognized teacher and leader in the field of Asian Bodywork Therapy since the 1980’s. Her original training draws from a number of master level practitioners.
Cindy studied this application of the Six Divisions directly from Yves Requena, M.D., who developed the CE-40, when it was first introduced it in the U.S. during the mid 1980’s. Fascinated with the work she took follow up workshops and remained in contact with Yves Requena. After 30 years of using it in her own clinical practice she has further evolved this already sophisticated view of the psychological and emotional correlations associated with Chinese Medicine’s meridian system. Cindy has taught this work as a component of Five Element Shiatsu both in her own schools and at national AOBTA conventions.
Dr. Yves Requena is now Europe's leading authority on Qi Gong. In the spirit of good teachers who inspire lifelong learning, Dr. Yves Requena fondly refers to Cindy as his first Qi Gong teacher, a gift that was given by Cindy in gratitude for his introduction to and teaching of the CE-40 system. An acupuncturist and physiotherapist, Dr. Yves Requena is the director of the European Institute of Chi Kung in France.
Over these many years of experience she has enhanced the original applications to refine a more subtle understanding and ability to work with its complexity of pattern differentiation. As a leading educator in the field of Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT), Cindy has taught many Six Division Seminars at AOBTA schools and conventions. As a result the Six Divisions model is not only considered an integral part of Five Element Shiatsu but a useful assessment tool for all Asian Bodywork Therapists and practitioners of Chinese Medicine.
Suggested Reading:
Terrains and Pathology In Acupuncture
By Yves Requena, M.D., Paradigm publications.
Character and Health: The Relationship of Acupuncture and Psychology
By Yves Requena, Paradigm publications.
Bodymind Energetics: Toward a Dynamic Model of Health
By Mark Seem, Ph.D with Joan Kaplan, forward by Ted Kaptchuk
Cindy Banker
Cindy studied this application of the Six Divisions directly from Yves Requena, M.D., when it was first introduced it in the U.S. during the mid 1980’s. She has been actively teaching professionals and using the system in her own clinical practice since that time. Over these many years of experience she has enhanced the original applications to refine a more subtle understanding and ability to work with its complexity of pattern differentiation. As a leading educator in the field of Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT), Cindy has taught many Six Division Seminars at AOBTA schools and conventions. As a result the Six Divisions model is not only considered an integral part of Five Element Shiatsu but a useful assessment tool for all Asian Bodywork Therapists.
To learn more about Cindy Banker
Dr. Yves Requena is now Europe's leading authority on Qi Gong. In the spirit of good teachers who inspire lifelong learning, Dr. Yves Requena fondly refers to Cindy as his first Qi Gong teacher, a gift that was given by Cindy in gratitude for his introduction to and teaching of the CE40 system. An acupuncturist and physiotherapist, Dr. Yves Requena is the director of the European Institute of Chi Kung in France.
Suggested Reading:
Terrains and Pathology In Acupuncture
by Yves Requena, M.D., Paradigm publications.
Character and Health: The Relationship of Acupuncture and Psychology
By Yves Requena, Paradigm publications.
Bodymind Energetics: Toward a Dynamic Model of Health,
By Mark Seem, Ph.D with Joan Kaplan, forward by Ted Kaptchuk