Beginner and Advanced Shakuju Therapy with Osamu Hara Sensei
Friday-Sunday, November 3-5, 2017
Friday 9:00 - 6:00 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday 9:30-5:30 p.m.
Beginner and Advanced Shakuju Therapy
with Osamu Hara Sensei, Nakaya Satoshi Sensei, and Diane Iuliano Sensei
Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center is pleased to present to you three days of Shakuju with three outstanding teachers.
Day one is a basic class designed for Acupuncture and Asian Bodywork students and practitioners who have had little or no training in Japanese style acupuncture. Appropriate for students and practitioners who want a “refresher” and would like more supervised practice time to cultivate their skills. This course provides fundamental information and training in skills that are critical in performing Shakuju style treatments. 8 NCCAOM PDAs pending
Day two and three is an advanced course designed for both Acupuncture and Asian Bodywork students and practitioners. Participants will learn advanced treatment techniques of Shakuju Therapy. This course will review the theory and conceptual foundation of this treatment style to allow for a deeper understanding of Shakuju Therapy. Also included will be a further refinement of diagnostic skills as well as advanced treatment options. Additional treatments beyond the basic root treatment steps will be covered, including the addition of supplemental reference points, jing well treatment strategies including bloodletting to enhance treatment results, and an ability to choose appropriate treatment forms and sequences of needling. 14 NCCAOM PDAs pending
Prerequisite: Beginner Shakuju Therapy class
Each program is either approved, or pending approval for NCCAOM PDAs