Filtering by: Symposium I

Window of the Sky Points: Esoteric Acupressure
10:00 AM10:00

Window of the Sky Points: Esoteric Acupressure

  • Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

First mentioned in the classical Chinese text the Ling Shu, the “Window of the Sky” points are ten distinct points used to balance the earthly and heavenly aspects of the body and spirit. These points are uniquely qualified to address psycho-emotional issues and release the head and neck when the pattern stems from impaired communication between the body and the mind. A transition from a contracted form to an expanded experience helps with the release of emotional traumas.

The class will dive into the energetic actions and effects of these points, and how to effectively palpate in order to tap into their hidden treasures.

Acupressure techniques for releasing the head and neck on a subtle energetic level will be taught, giving participants the opportunity to experience the effect of opening the energetic gate to the higher spirit of “heaven.”  As important as opening this flow of Qi to an expanded self is the need to secure a grounded center for the spirit self.  We will explore the means of creating this aspect of balance for Shen imbalance.

Barbara Blanchard Lic. Ac., Dipl., Ac. & Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)®, C.I. Acupressure Shiatsu (AOBTA)®

Barbara Blanchard graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1993. She has been practicing Acupressure Shiatsu since 1978 and is the former Founding Director of the Acupressure Therapy Institute (ATI) in Quincy, MA. She is double board certified in Acupuncture and Asian Bodywork Therapy (ABT) and is a Certified Instructor (CI) of ABT.

A licensed acupuncturist in Massachusetts, her studies with Dr. Yoshio Manaka, Steve Birch, Kiiko Matsumoto, Shizuko Yamamoto, Jeffrey Yuen, Richard Tan and others have influenced her style in integrating classical and modern Japanese meridian theory with Asian Bodywork Therapy and Acupuncture.

With more than 35 years of teaching and developing curriculum, Barbara brings experience and sensitivity to her clients and students who benefit from her commitment to healing and education. She specializes in Acupressure Shiatsu, Acupoint energetics, traditional Chinese medicine theory, magnet therapy, moxibustion and other adjunct therapies. She is a dynamic teacher interested in practical application of theory for best clinical results. 

Barbara also has experience in research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in biochemical mechanisms associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Click here to learn more about Barbara Blanchard.

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Divergent Channels: Comprehensive Treatment Strategies
10:00 AM10:00

Divergent Channels: Comprehensive Treatment Strategies

  • Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Often described as mysterious, Divergent Channels gauge how harmonized we are with nature, inside and out. As Divergent Channels pass through the heart, they are uniquely suited to facilitate and integrate exterior-interior relationships – such as our relationship with the external world to obtain and replenish postnatal qi, and the Extra Vessels supplying the twelve main meridians with Qi and Blood, and supporting our genetic heritage.

This class will integrate Divergent Channels with Extra Vessel polarization therapy.  

Participants will learn to cultivate diagnostic skills that engage jing well points, pulse and abdominal palpation. Employing these methods often lead practitioners to a unique treatment strategy that expands the range of clinical application, including addressing disorders of the heart such as manic-depression, insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep.

Diane Iuliano has been practicing Japanese style acupuncture for over twenty years, after graduating from Boston College with a BA degree in fine arts and receiving her LicAc from New England School of Acupuncture (NESA). Diane has studied extensively with Miki Shima, Shoji Kobayashi and Toshikatsu Yamamoto and earned a Japanese style acupuncture teaching certificate from Miki Shima and the Japanese American Acupuncture Foundation in July of 2005. She is a founding member of the North American branch of the Shakuju Association. Diane has practiced acupuncture at Mount Auburn Hospital, where she supervised the first NESA satellite clinic at the hospital in the Center for Women.

Diane Iuliano

Diane Iuliano

Diane has been teaching acupuncture in Tokyo and Hokkaido for the past 8 years, and was the first American female keynote speaker at Hokkaido University in 2007. Diane participated as a research associate in the Stop Hypertension Acupuncture Research Program (SHARP) at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is a board member of the Auriculotherapy Certification Institute. In 2006 Diane was awarded the first certificate in the USA from Shoji Kobayashi and the Shakuju Association in August of 2006. She currently teaches at the Mass College of Pharmacy University and NESA Japanese program and maintains a busy private practice in Belmont, MA.

Click here to learn more about Diane Iuliano.

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